UConn Brewing Innovation text over image of a UConn students learning how to brew by Kinsmen Brewing Co. staff.

UConn Brewing Innovation is a newly designed initiative with the aim of creating an ecosystem to connect the craft beer industry with UConn’s research enterprise all while providing transformative experiences for UConn students. This initiative will serve as a multidisciplinary hub, in partnership with the College of Engineering, the College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources, and the School of Business, to drive three main elements; education, research, and community engagement. Strategic programming will provide academic and experiential learning opportunities for students, cultivate talent and growth in the industry, provide scholarship and mentorship opportunities with the focus of supporting underrepresented populations in brewing, and support local businesses that are essential to Connecticut’s economy.

UConn is uniquely positioned to support the craft brewing industry from farm to pint by tying together the foundations through agriculture, engineering, and business.

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UConn student learning about brewing beer


Expand academic courses for students to engage them in various elements of the craft brewing industry and brewing processes.

Students on a malthouse tour holding grains


Facilitate scholarly research in agriculture, engineering, and business as well as provide lab testing in service to local breweries and farms.

Students on a hops farm tour

Outreach & Engagement

Collaborate with breweries and brewing organizations to provide experiential learning opportunities to students and community members.

Our Collaborations